Sunday, 31 July 2011
First Sexy Man Monday!
I am busy as a bee working on my next WIP, so I shall make this short and sweet.
I wish all of you health, happiness, and good fortune for the year ahead. And I wish that you all are careful not to drool on your keyboard and electrocute yourself while browsing these pictures!
I found these last night while trolling around online...hope you enjoy as much as I did!!
A Girl's Guide to Sex Toys - Part Seven
In my trolling of the interwebs, I often stumble across shit that just has me shaking my head thinking "What the Hell are they thinking????" Well, in regards to sex toys, I had that moment last week. I am still in shock a little, and feel sort of like I was passing a train wreck and just had to look.
Those who are not into pain, interested in some BDSM practices, or just get grossed out easily, you may want to pause right here and move on with your day. Those with stronger consitutions, I so have some weird crap to show you!
Today's post is all about Penis Jewelry. Yes, I said that right, Penis Jewelry. And I am not talking about just a piercing, noooo, we are taking it to a whole nutha lebel.
Now, just to make sure we are all on the same page here, I want to review what the most common penis piercing is, as it plays a strong role in what comes next. Most of us have heard about the Prince Albert piercing (although, I will have to admit that I wasn't exactly sure where it went! I once dated a guy who was pierced down south, but it was a spike along the top of the shaft, not a PA.)
A Prince Albert, or PA, according to Wikipedia is "a ring-style piercing that extends along the underside of the glans from the urethral opening to where the glans meets the shaft of the penis."
I look at that and think "OUUUUCH!" (Said it my best E.T. voice of course!)
But supposedly it does heighten pleasure for both males and their partners, so it can technically be classified as a sex toy, as it aids or heightens pleasure. It is also claimed to hold off male orgasm, so it can help lengthen lovemaking and potentially help women gain the big O.
Now this type of piercing is dangerous, as it can be pulled out easily, and by pulled out, I mean pulled through. Don't believe me? You can check it out HERE. (Don't click there if you are about to eat. Seriously. I warned you. Didn't I? But you just had to click. And now you wish you hadn't. Not my fault. Just saying.)
Now, I know what you are thinking, Geeze, Alex, we have heard about dude's getting their cock's pierced for like FOR EVAH.....what's this crap??? I'm here because I want to know about SEX TOYS!!!
Well, there are an ASSORTMENT of additional pieces that can be used with there yonder Prince Albert piercing that made me do a double take.
First off, there is the Prince's Wand. This little sucker is pushed through the male's urethra (yes, where he pees and cums) and then is secured in the holes of his PA piercing.
Umm, yeah. Think I am bullshitting? HERE is a link where you can watch a man insert one into himself and screw the little balls on.
There are of course Pierce-less Prince's Wand too, that have a piece of steel that wraps around the bottom of the head to don't want some random rod in your pecker not fastened to where you can get it out!
Some of these are your basic stainless steel rod and circle, but then there are others that are actually a little more clever and artistic.
The pieces are supposed to be able to be used while having intercourse, but of course, some common sense and a little patience would have to be used to ensure
Don't stop gets even better. We already reviewed butt plugs in previous week's of the Girl's Guide....but did you KNOW they have PENIS PLUGS?? YES, THEY MOTHA-EFFFING DO!
OH. MY. GAWD. And I thought that Prince Albert looked painful? I realized the mistake in my thinking once I saw the array of penis plugs available on the market. There are short ones, long ones, fat ones, and OHMYGODHOWAREYOUGONNAFITTHATINTHATLITTLEHOLE big ones.
Most of these items are used in male subs in BDSM play - they are used as a means of ensuring chastity in the sub, preventing them from orgasm. Some even have spaces where they can be locked onto the wearer via small master lock.
So, taking this to the next step, you find chastity wear. "Cock cages" can be mass produced, but the majority are custom ordered to fit the particular male.
These chastity "cages" are worn by those interested in a taste of pain in their love play, so they are not just about dom-sub relationships. It is written that it can help a man learn to hold his erection longer and learn to control his body during sex, and then there are others who take it a little bit further and hook these bad boys up to electrical current and zap themselves to orgasm. Don't believe me? Proof is HERE. (Definitely not for the faint of heart or those under 21!! And this will take you to a video of a man who loves electrified cages and shows it!)
Now I know I typically discuss the history and why's of the sex toy I spotlight on the Girl's Guide, but not much was available. It seems that the PA piercing was made popular in the early 1970 and began to gain favor afterwards as piercing became more and more popular, and that BDSM aficionados took to piercing and began combining their interests -- which truly are not too far afield from one other. The Prince Albert piercing is claimed to be named after Prince Albert, consort of Queen Victoria of England who lived from 1819 -1861 and it is supposed that he had this type of penis piercing, inventing it in order to tame the appearance of his large penis in tight trousers.
Apparently, ole Albert was hung like a horse, and the tight pants made fashionable by Beau Brummell caused men of larger lengths to have an unsightly bulge. So according to legend, Albert and many other large men of the time, pierced their cocks, and hung them from one side of the pants or the other, to what is called a dressing ring.
Considering that Queen Victoria was the largest proponent of marriage and family, as well as shaping Victorian attitudes about the immorality of sex, then it seems rather far-fetched to conclude that it truly was named after Prince Albert. Plus, lack of current standards of medical treatment would lead me to think this is a bunch of hooey. Most folks believe it is an urban legend.
In all actuality, penis piercing dates back to at least the Kama Sutra, where Indian men would pierce their penis, add weights to them, and then increase their penises to unusable lengths of up to three feet. YES, THREE FEET. They would then wrap their penis around their waist and charge people to look at it. The first circus freak show.
Three feet? **Shaking my head**
I can't offer a whole lot of suggestions or points of concern for these items, as I didn't even know they existed before last week. I think the common sense approach (yeah, I know there are a lot of people out there with NONE of that) is in order. Keeping the items used incredibly clean, as well as, hands of anyone handling the contraption before insertion, just because of the potential for infection. And of course, if they are used sexually, going slowly to ensure they do not cause pain for either of the participants. I also doubt they would work well during anal sex due to the delicacy of anal tissue, but you know, whatever floats your boat.
Okay, thanks for visiting the TRAIN WRECK edition of the Girl's Guide to Sex Toys. Anyone interested in suggesting a topic for next week, feel free to add it to a comment below.
A Girl's Guide to Sex Toys - Part Six
And my last word of advice?
Don't forget to take them off!
Friday, 29 July 2011
Benarkah Manusia Bisa Melihat Masa Depan?
Manusia bisa melihat masa lalu tapi tidak bisa melihat kejadian masa depan. Tapi beberapa orang diketahui bisa melihat masa depan meskipun kadang terlihat atau terdengar aneh. Benarkah seseorang bisa melihat masa depan?
Kondisi seseorang yang bisa melihat peristiwa masa depan atau sesuatu yang belum terjadi disebut dengan extrasensory perception atau ESP. Sebagian orang mungkin berpikir hal tersebut berawal dari mimpi yang akhirnya menjadi kenyataan atau memiliki firasat tertentu.
Seperti dikutip dari Healthland.Time, Kamis (13/1/2011) kondisi ini menimbulkan ketertarikan tersendiri bagi banyak orang terutama ilmuwan.
Tapi penelitian psikologi dalam skala besar menemukan hasil bahwa orang yang bisa melihat masa depan (extrasensory perception/ESP) adalah nyata.
ESP adalah indra khusus diluar penglihatan, pendengaran, sentuhan, penciuman dan rasa. Tidak seperti indra biasa lainnya, ESP memiliki jangkauan yang hampir tidak terbatas dan terutama dialami oleh pikiran dibanding sensasi tubuh.
Hasil ini berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Profesor Cornell. Studi ini dilakukan lebih dari satu dekade dengan melibatkan lebih dari 1.000 mahasiswa. Partisipan diminta untuk menebak gambar di balik tirai yang menyembunyikan suatu foto.
Istilah ESP ini diciptakan pada tahun 1934 oleh profesor JB Rhine dari Duke University, ia merupakan ilmuwan pertama yang melakukan penelitian mengenai paranormal di laboratorium universitas.
Para ahli memiliki teori bahwa ESP adalah energi yang bergerak dari satu titik ke titik lainnya. Biasanya energi ini berbentuk gelombang elektromagnetik seperti cahaya, radio dan energi X-ray.
Seperti dilansir Howstuffworks, kemampuan ESP ini merupakan gabungan dari berbagai kemampuan yang berkenaan dengan indra atau fenomenal lainnya. ESP sendiri ada beberapa jenis yaitu:
- Telepati, kemampuan untuk membaca pikiran orang lain.
- Clairvoyance, kemampuan untuk 'melihat' kejadian atau objek yang terjadi di tempat lain.
- Precognition, kemampuan untuk melihat masa depan.etrocognition, kemampuan untuk melihat masa lalu yang jauh.
- Mediumship, kemampuan untuk menyalurkan roh-roh orang yang sudah meninggal.
- Psikometri, kemampuan untuk membaca informasi tentang seseorang atau suatu tempat dengan menyentuh benda fisik.
Inspirasi, Kisah Seseorang yang Ditolak Bekerja di Microsoft
Seorang laki-laki pengangguran melamar posisi sebagai 'office boy' di Microsoft. Manajer HR mewawancarainya, kemudian melihatnya untuk membersihkan lantai sebagai ujian.
"Anda diterima bekerja. Berikan alamat e-mail Anda dan saya akan mengirimkan aplikasi untuk diisi, juga tanggal ketika Anda dapat mulai bekerja," kata Manajer HR.
Pria itu menjawab, "Tapi saya tidak punya komputer, bahkan email."
"Maafkan aku, jika Anda tidak memiliki email, itu berarti Anda tidak ada. Dan siapa yang tidak ada, tidak dapat memiliki pekerjaan," tambah Manajer HR.
Orang itu tanpa harapan sama sekali. Dia tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan, dengan hanya memiliki uang $10 di saku, Ia kemudian memutuskan untuk pergi ke supermarket dan membeli 10 kg peti tomat.
Dia kemudian menjual secara keliling tomat itu dari rumah ke rumah. Dalam waktu kurang dari dua jam, dia berhasil melipatgandakan modalnya.
Dia mengulangi penjualannya secara keliling tiga kali, dan pulang dengan uang $60. Lelaki itu menyadari bahwa ia bisa bertahan hidup dengan berjualan tomat, dan dia mulai untuk pergi berjualan tomat sehari-hari dan sering pulang larut malam mendagangkan dagangannya hari demi hari.
Uuang keuntungan yang didapat dua kali lipat atau tiga kali lipat dalam penjualannya sehari-hari. Tak lama, ia membeli mobil, lalu truk, dan kemudian ia mempunyai armada kendaraan pengiriman sendiri.
5 tahun kemudian, orang itu menjadi salah satu pengusaha food retailer terbesar di Amerika Serikat. Ia mulai merencanakan masa depan keluarganya, dan memutuskan untuk memiliki asuransi jiwa.
Dia memanggil broker asuransi, dan memilih rencana perlindungan. Ketika percakapan, broker bertanya tentang email yang akan dipakai untuk keperluan asuransi.
Pria itu menjawab, "Aku tidak punya email."
Broker itu penasaran dan ingin tahu mengapa ia tidak punya email, "Anda tidak memiliki email, namun telah berhasil membangun sebuah imperium perusahaan bisnis. Dapatkah Anda membayangkan apa yang bisa terjadi jika Anda memiliki email?"
Pria itu berpikir sejenak dan menjawab, "Ya, aku akan menjadi seorang office boy di Microsoft!!"
Pesan dari cerita diatas:
Ketika satu pintu tertutup, pintu lain terbuka. Namun terkadang kita melihat dan menyesali pintu tertutup terlalu lama sehingga tidak melihat pintu lain yang telah terbuka. Jangan pernah berhenti berusaha dan jangan menyerah karena gagal, serta berani melangkah.
sumber :
Gua Kristal Raksasa Superman Ditemukan di Meksiko
Terdapat sebuah gua kristal raksasa yang menyerupai tempat asal Superman dalam film. Gua ini terletak di Naica Mine di Chihuahua, Meksiko. Seperti apa?
Ahli geologi menjelajah gua menakjubkan di Meksiko ini. Gua ini pertama kali ditemukan dua penampang yang mencari jalan keluar pada 2001. Gua ini memiliki barisan kristal yang sangat menakjubkan serupa ‘rumah’ Arktik Superman.
‘Cahaya’ putih gypsum menakjubkan ini telah tumbuh selama ratus ribuan tahun di gua di bawah Naica, Meksiko. Pada sepuluh tahun setelah ditemukan, ilmuwan membuat petisi pada pemerintah Meksiko untuk mengklaim gua ini sebagai Warisan Dunia Unesco.
Hal tersebut dilakukan guna melindungi formasi unik gua ini agar bisa disaksikan generasi masa depan seperti dilaporkan Telegraph.
sumber :
Konsep Sepeda Motor Ringan Menakjubkan
Motor ini mungkin nampak seperti mainan. Namun sebenarnya motor ini merupakan motor sungguhan. Seperti apa motor berbentuk unik ini?
Meski motor ini masih berupa konsep, tak dipungkiri, motor ini memiliki rancangan menarik. Sepeda motor Julian Silva ini bertujuan merevolusi berat sepeda motor yang ada saat ini. Selain itu, sepeda motor ini juga ingin merevolusi kinerja keseluruhan motor tradisional.
Sepeda motor ini memakai rangka alumunium yang dilapisi panel serat karbon untuk menyimpan semua mekanik. Alhasil, berat sepeda motor itu bisa dikurangi secara signifikan.
Selain itu kinerja dan stabilitas sepeda motor ini juga akan meningkat karena beratnya yang ringan.
sumber :
Wah, Perahu Ini Bisa Dilipat
Ingin naik perahu kano di danau, tapi malas menenteng-nenteng perahu besar nan berat? Coba perahu kano lipat.
Perahu bernama Adhoc Canoe ini mungkin merupakan perahu kano paling ringan dan paling ringkas di dunia. Dikutip dari Wired, perahu ini bisa dilipat dan dimasukkan ke dalam tas ransel berukuran 12 x 23 x 71 cm.
Tapi jangan salah. Walau ringan, produk desain Ori Levin ini bisa mengapung di air dan tidak tenggelam. Rangkanya terbuat dari serat karbon, dan badan kapalnya terbuat dari aramid, yaitu serat sintetik yang biasa digunakan untuk lomba kapal layar.
Struktur rangkanya dibangun menggunakan tiang teleskopik. Bobot totalnya hanya empat kilogram, dan hanya butuh waktu lima menit untuk merakitnya menjadi perahu kano.
Namun perahu kano unik ini tidak dijual untuk umum.
sumber :
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Taylor Momsen
Sexy Man Monday - Henry Cavill Edition
Now, of course, Henry Cavill is BE-U-TIFUL...and I really enjoyed drooling over him when I watched the it was definitely NOT a hardship to give Jayne what she wanted.
And now he will be the new Superman. YUM. Makes writing that superhero erotic romance all the more interesting, considering I can use the new Man of Steel as a muse.
Have a wonderful Monday and Friday will be here before you know it!
Sexy Man Artful Monday
How many times have we fought battles as artists to sell sexuality and not have it labeled as pornography. My stories are about relationships, and in grown adult relationships, two people tend to have sex. I am truthful and slightly graphic in the sex in my stories, but that does NOT make it porn.
Smut, maybe, but not porn.
Certain people in my life continue calling it porn and calling me a porn writer. That bothers me to a point, yet they don't seem to care. I mean, I am not going to waste time trying to change their minds, nor waste my time giving a rats ass. So, those people just don't matter to me.
I saw these photographs and my first thought was..."How beautiful?!" So, sex and sexuality CAN be beautiful. Whether it is in the lens of the camera, the stroke of the artist's brush, or on the page of the writer, twisting the word to create a story of love and lust.
Happy Monday...have a wonderful week :)
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Six Sentence Sunday - Five
Click Here for More Sixes! |