Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Khali exposes housemates

The Great Khali reveals his latent talent for reading palms. Samir and Rahul are only happy to have their fate read in tonight's episode of Bigg Boss.

The Great Khali is known for his dramatic moves and smack downs in the ring. But in tonight's episode of Bigg Boss, he reveals another talent that he had concealed from his fans. The art of palm reading!
The first person to have his palm read is Samir. After carefully scrutinizing Samir's palm, Khali points out that Samir has been cheated in life and has even gone through a near-death experience. While Samir looks completely surprised at this evaluation, Khali also predicts that Samir will find true love and will soon be a happily married man. Let's hope actress Neelam is tuned in to today's episode.
Khali's biggest fan in the house, Rahul Bhatt, couldn't be left behind and requests Khali to read his palm as well. Khali doesn't disappoint Rahul either and points out that he will be settled in Mumbai, even if he is required to travel abroad from time to time. He also adds that Rahul would be very prosperous in his career in some time.
As long as the predictions are positive, we're sure the housemates would have little to complain. Let's just hope Khali doesn't reveal any dark secrets that his mates wouldn't want announced on national television.

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