Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Angel Tattoo Designs

Angel TattooAngel Tattoo Designs, Meanings, Ideas, plus Great Places to Find Designs. The word "angel" comes from Greek word "angelos" which means "messenger", referring to a messenger of God. Angels are important supernatural beings found in many religions including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism. Angels are thought to have set duties, with no free will or choice.

There are many reasons why angel tattoo art has become so popular. Mothers put the names of their children in angel wings tattoos to express their love while others place their mother in angel wings tattoos to keep the main woman in their life at the forefront of their love. We use angels and angel wings because it represents something highly spiritual or heavenly to us. When we encapsulate the image of an angel we feel as though we are connected to something bigger than us.

Angel tattoo art is no longer gender specific. Men and women alike can find or create special tattoos that represent everything that is meaningful to them via the angel tattoo art. Angel wings tattoos are still usually reserved for women. There are a few winged designs for men that are masculine enough represent the angelic purpose without appearing feminine.

The angel tattoo art is a beautiful representation of spirituality. This has been the case all throughout history. All the way back to the earliest representations of spiritual life beyond death the body has been splayed with images that we now call angels. Historically speaking these images were reserved for the highest leaders of spiritual and practical knowledge. It wasn’t until recent history that the meaning of angel tattoo art has been permitted on the bodies of laypeople. Recent history can be noted between the years of 50 BC to 120 BC. There are many images that were considered to be angel wings tattoos or angel art tattoos from the earliest humans but the images were obscured from the image we consider to be angelic today.

Psychologists argue the value of angel art tattoos for people who have lost a loved one. It was customarily done throughout history in countries like Scotland or Ireland for the mystical people and the wanderers. By the standards of today the angel art tattoos are now chronic reminder of a loved one. Some psychologists believe that the permanent marking of a loved one on the body is a sign that the individual feels a need to stay at least partially in the past.

Many people who actually have angel art tattoos in remembrance of a loved one feel that it is really quite the opposite. There are reports from those who actually have the angel wings tattoos and the angel art ink that feel their memorial tattoos have helped them heal and move into the future with a sense of love and peace for their loved one. Perhaps this is actually a decision that is best left up to the individual rather than the medical communities.

Angel Tattoo Designs

Angel Tattoos

Angel Tattoo Designs, Meanings, Ideas, plus Great Places to Find Designs

The word "angel" comes from Greek word "angelos" which means "messenger", referring to a messenger of God. Angels are important supernatural beings found in many religions including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism. Angels are thought to have set duties, with no free will or choice. For this reason, human beings are considered to be superior beings since humans have the ability to "be righteous" out of our own free will, rather than simply being "programmed" to be so.

Angel tattoo

Due to their connection to God, Angel Tattoo Designs commonly represent protection and guardianship. Another associated meaning is the everlasting struggle between good and evil (angel vs. archangel), which could represent ones outlook on his or her own life. Angels also have the ability to connect the spiritual and material world, and so these tattoos could symbolize connecting oneself with the spiritual world. Another common meaning underlying an angel design is remembrance of a lost loved one.

Popular designs include those of elegant winged creatures, flying or sitting on a cloud. Some designs may be soothing and calming in which the angel is seen holding a harp or trumpet, where as other designs may be more vulgar depicting angels holding a sword or dagger (Archangels). The best thing about angel tattoo designs is their versatility and the ability to implement them in a setting which best depicts what it is you want to say.

tattoo angel design
Angel Tattoo

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