“Kareena kapoor‘s website will have all the updates of her and all the latest fashion trends but only this but also the trends all over the world,” sources reveal that Kareena has a passion for fashion and latest fashion trends.. “There have been a number of occasions when Kareena actively participated in designing her own costumes for films. She always wanted to launch her own brand of clothes. The website is her first step towards it.”
This actress always keeps herself updated when it comes of fashion, wherever she is Tokyo or London. She is also seen following the trends and walking ramp for her designer friends. Now, she is ready to set another trend for Bollywood’s divas, who can follow her.Kareena is also thinking of creating a big platform for herself through which she can air her views and knowledge on fashion and trends with her fans all over.
Tags:- hot-karishma-kapoor, sexy-karishma-kapoor, bold-karishma-kapoor, gorgeous-karishma-kapoor
Tags:- hot-karishma-kapoor, sexy-karishma-kapoor, bold-karishma-kapoor, gorgeous-karishma-kapoor
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