The latest Bollywood sensation and Vogue cover girl Asin is being showered with movie offers. She stars opposite Aamir Khan in ‘Ghajini’ and has signed Priyadarshan’s ‘Aise Ko Taisa’ with Akshay Kumar. And now the lass has bagged another role in Vipul Shah’s ‘London Dreams’ starring opposite Salman Khan and Ajay Devgan.
Asin Thottumkal is a very popular Tamil Movie actress. She hails from Kerala and was born on October 26, 1985. She is pretty actress and model from Kochi. She became popular in Tamil and Telugu movies. Asin is the busiest heroine in Tamil film industry today.
Vipul is all praises for this South Indian beauty and says that he couldn’t imagine anyone but Asin for `London Dreams`. Asin is to play a South Indian musician in London, her south Indian accented Hindi, her looks and singing and dancing are perfect for the role, says Vipul. Asin has acted with the biggest names in the South and is very much comfortable acting with the leading stars of Bollywood.
Asin was born in Kochi, Kerala to Mr.Joseph Thottumkal and Dr.Seline Thottumkal. Her father is a businessman and mother is a Doctor. She had her school education from Naval Public School, Kochi and St.Theresa's Higher Secondary School, Kochi. Asin. Asin is studying B.A. English Literature at St. Teresa's College, Cochin. She was a initially a model and a business woman. Asin knows a number of languages like Malayalam, Tamil, English, Hindi,Telugu, Sanskrit and French.
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