She stated she had a "conservative Catholic" upbringing. She first attended Meyzeek Middle School as an adolescent. Growing up, Nicole states that she didn't have a lot of money and the singer thanks her mom for all the support she gave her to become what she is today. Scherzinger began performing in Louisville, attending the Youth Performing Arts School at duPont Manual High School and performing with Actors Theatre of Louisville. It is here that she first met her long time friend, actress Liz Davito. As a teenager, Scherzinger was the first runner-up at the 1996 Kentucky State Fair's Coca-Cola Talent Classic contest. Scherzinger majored in acting and musical theatre at Wright State University, where she played Velma in Chicago and Julie La Verne in Show Boat,[8] but put her studies on hold in 1999 to sing backing vocals for the rock band Days of the New.
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Nicole Scherzinger Model and Occasional Actress
She stated she had a "conservative Catholic" upbringing. She first attended Meyzeek Middle School as an adolescent. Growing up, Nicole states that she didn't have a lot of money and the singer thanks her mom for all the support she gave her to become what she is today. Scherzinger began performing in Louisville, attending the Youth Performing Arts School at duPont Manual High School and performing with Actors Theatre of Louisville. It is here that she first met her long time friend, actress Liz Davito. As a teenager, Scherzinger was the first runner-up at the 1996 Kentucky State Fair's Coca-Cola Talent Classic contest. Scherzinger majored in acting and musical theatre at Wright State University, where she played Velma in Chicago and Julie La Verne in Show Boat,[8] but put her studies on hold in 1999 to sing backing vocals for the rock band Days of the New.
Rachel Sarah Bilson Beauti Actress
Bilson has been noted as having a "self-destructive, rebellious period" during her teen years. When she was 16, she and a group of her brother's friends were involved in a car accident, a head-on collision with another car. As a result, Bilson was unconscious for a few days, has a scar above her right eye, and sometimes suffers from migraines and memory loss; she has stated that the experience "changed" her, encouraging her to "stop... getting into trouble" and stopping her from "going down that road". Bilson began dating her The O.C. co-star Adam Brody in 2003. In late 2006, Bilson and Brody ended their relationship.[28] In March 2007, she started dating Canadian actor Hayden Christensen, after meeting on the set of Jumper. The couple got engaged in December 2008, over the holidays.
Bilson has been recognized by several media sources as being a "fashion junkie". She has described herself as having a "vintage" sense of style, and noted Kate Moss and Diane Keaton as inspirations. Her clothes often have a "boho" feel to them. She approached DKNY Jeans in late 2007 with a view to design a clothing line with the popular fashion brand. Together they created Edie Rose. The collection was launched in September 2008. An advertising image was released in July 2008 which featured Bilson modelling her Edie Rose collection. Of her line, she said in an interview with Teen Vogue "I wanted to keep it as separate as possible from Rachel Bilson the actress. I'm hoping people will appreciate it for the clothes, not the person behind them." Much of her fashion collection was lost when her home was burglarized in May, 2009. Bilson has turned down requests to appear seminude in men's magazines, specifying that she feels that her body "is sacred" and "not there for the whole world to see". However, she has been featured in a pictorial in the men's magazines Stuff and GQ
Tricia Helfer Supermodel Pictures
Katheryn Perry Beauti Single
Hudson was born and raised in Santa Barbara by Christian pastor parents and grew up listening only to gospel music. After earning a GED during her freshman year of high school, she began to pursue a music career. As Katy Hudson, she released a self-titled gospel album in 2001. In 2004, she recorded an album with production team The Matrix, but it was never released. After signing on with Capitol Music Group in 2007, she took on stage name Katy Perry and released her first mainstream album, One of the Boys.
Perry is known for her unconventional style of dress. Her style is often humorous, bright in color, and reminiscent of different decades, as well as her frequent use of fruit-shaped accessories, mainly watermelon, as part of her outfits.[38] Her dark hair is signature to her look, but, as the music video to "Ur So Gay" shows, her hair is naturally blonde and she dyed her hair and eyebrows a darker color. Having learned dancing at an early age, she fancied about having her own style. Perry's transformation into an artist began with fashion, inspired by American film actress Dominique Swain's portrayal in 1997 film adaptation of the novel Lolita. She defines her fashion "a bit of a concoction of different things". Johnny Wujek, Perry's stylist, described her style, upon meeting her for the first time, as "very colorful and vintage". Her fashion has caught the attention of designers, who were giving her nearly as much attention as her musical fans.
Sunday, 26 July 2009
ariel dan luna di Indonesia Kids Choice Awards 2009.
Memangnya saya kenapa? Gendut maksudnya? Ah, itu biasa saja. Olga (Olga Syahputra) saja yang lagi gila," ujar Ariel vokalis Peterpan ketika dikonfirmasi keterbukaanya bersama Luna Maya di atas panggung Indonesia Kids Choice Awards 2009.
Ariel memang bersikap sangat cuek ketika Olga menarik dirinya naik ke atas panggung saat Luna Maya menerima penghargaan sebagai artis Wanita Favorite pilihan anak-anak. Ariel juga mau berciuman pipi dengan Luna Maya saat diteriaki "cium-cium" oleh penonton di Tennis Indoor yang sebagian besar adalah anak-anak.
Ariel menyadari bahwa hubungannya dengan Luna yang tidak pernah diumumkan ke publik memang selalu menjadi tanda tanya dan kejaran media. Tetapi, ayah satu anak itu tetap cuek.
Ariel juga tidak marah ketika Olga mengatakan bahwa penghargaan yang diterima Luna merupakan hadiah pernikahan mereka. Menurut Ariel, ia akan seperti orang gila jika menanggapi candaan Olga atau marah-marah.
Ariel masih tetap cuek ketika menemui wartawan usai menerima penghargaan sebagai grup band favorit. Ariel cuek menghadapi pertanyaan seputar keterbukaan dia menunjukkan hubungannya dengan Luna di atas panggung.
"Soal itu (menikah,red) masih jauhlah. Nanti saja kita bicarakan soal itu. Hubungan saya dengan Luna seperti yang terlihat saja dan lihat saja yang terlihat," ujar Ariel terus mengelak menjelaskan lebih detil hubungannya dengan Luna.
Lantas merasa ada sesuatu yang berbeda tidak saat Luna menyerahkan hadiah sebagai penyanyi pria favorite? "Wah, tidak. Tidak deg-deg. Biasa saja. Yang lebih spesial justru award-nya," ujar Ariel sambil berusaha menghentikan pertanyaan wartawan.
Mengenai kemenangannya di Indonesia Kids Choice Awards 2009, Ariel mengaku tidak pernah menyangka bisa memenangkan penghargaan itu. Ia hanya diminta untuk hadir dan kebetulan personil Peterpan lainnya tidak bisa datang lantas memintanya untuk mewakili grup band Peterpan. Kebetulan pula, Luna Maya menjadi salah satu finalis dan pembaca nominasi sehingga Ariel sekaligus menemaninya.
Keduanya tampak duduk berdampingan dan pulang bersama dalam satu mobil. Setelah Ariel usai menerima penghargaan dan diminta masuk ke ruang wartawan (press room) untuk melakukan wawancara, Luna sempat menunggu di pintu keluar panggung. Tetapi ia langsung masuk ke belakang panggung karena diberitahu Ariel akan melakukan wawancara mengenai kemenangannya. (Dewi Pratiwi/Celestinus Trias HP)
Daftar Pemenang Indonesia Kids Choice Awards 2009
1. Artis Wanita favorite: Luna Maya
2. Aktor Pria Favorite: Raffi Ahmad
3. Penyanyi Wanita Favorite: Gita Gutawa
4. Penyanyi Pria Favorite: Afgan
5. Duo/Grup Penyanyi Favorite: RAN
6. Grup band favorite: Peterpan
7. Presenter/pembawa acara favorite: Olga Syahputra
8. Atlit favorite: Bambang Pamungkas
9. Program kartun favorite: Spongebob
10. Wanna Be: Afgan
Acara ini dipandu oleh host : Tasya, Olga Syahputra, Raffi Ahmad, Indra Bekti dan Fitri Tropica
Dan ini adalah daftar pemenang Indonesia Kids Choice Awards 2009 (ICA 2009) :
Penyanyi Pria Terfavorit : Afgan
Penyanyi Wanita Terfavorit : Gita Gutawa
Atlet Terfavorit : Bambang Pamungkas
Aktor Pria Terfavorit : Raffi Ahmad
Aktris Wanita Terfavorit : Luna Maya
Group Band Terfavorit : Peterpan
Wannabe Awards ICA 2009 : Afgan
Friday, 24 July 2009
Replika Peterpan "Penghuni Baru" Museum Nasional
Grup musik asal Bandung, Peterpan, berfoto bersama di depan replika patung mereka pada pameran memorabilia Peterpan bertajuk "Sebuah Nama Sebuah Replika" di Museum Nasional, Jakarta, Rabu (3/12).
[JAKARTA] Usia band asal Bandung, Peterpan boleh jadi baru seumur jagung. Tapi, dari ratusan band yang ada di Indonesia, mungkin hanya Peterpan yang memiliki replika khusus. Tidak tanggung-tanggung, replika Peterpan berwarna dasar tembaga (cokelat keemasan) itu kini menjadi "penghuni baru" Museum Nasional, Jakarta.
Berlebihan. Kesan tersebut yang muncul saat sebuah band berusia lima tahun disejajarkan dengan pahlawan nasional. Namun, seolah zaman sudah berganti. Band yang pertama kali diusung oleh Ariel, Uki, Lukman, Reza, Indra, dan Andika dinilai memiliki peran besar dalam warna musik pop Indonesia.
Replika Peterpan, resmi diterima oleh pihak Museum Nasional, Jakarta, Rabu (3/12) siang. Penerimaan replika diwakili oleh Kepala Bidang Bimbingan dan Publikasi Museum Nasional, Dedah Rufaedah Sri Handari. Replika enam personel awal Peterpan, ditegaskan Dedah hanyalah sebuah suvenir. Tidak ada nilai sejarah dalam pemberian replika tersebut.
"Dalam sejarah perkembangan Indonesia, Peterpan tidak bisa disamakan dengan pahlawan. Pemberian replika ini hanya sebatas suvenir. Kami (Museum Nasional), harus menerima niat baik dari Peterpan dan Musica Studio. Pemberian replika ini sekaligus menjadi awal kerja sama yang baik," ujar Dedah saat ditemui di acara Pameran Memorabilia Peterpan Sebuah Nama, Sebuah Replika, di Museum Nasional, Jakarta, Rabu (3/12).
Replika Peterpan setinggi 105 sentimeter, dengan berat 100 kilogram, nantinya dipajang di ruang Commercial Hall. Ruang tersebut memang didesain khusus untuk menyimpan suvenir dari para seniman. Replika Peterpan, dipastikan tidak diletakkan bersama dengan benda prasejarah dan sejarah lainnya.
Tujuan utama Museum Nasional menerima replika Peterpan, diakui Dedah untuk menarik minat pengunjung ke museum. Selama ini, museum merupakan tempat yang paling jarang dikunjungi masyarakat. Harapannya, pengunjung museum bertambah setelah ada replika Peterpan.
"Bisa saja, setelah replika Peterpan disimpan di museum, masyarakat berbondong-bondong ke museum. Peterpan, dalam dunia musik masuk kategori band yang ngetop. Apalagi, band ini akan bubar. Jadi, sahabat Peterpan yang kangen dengan kebersamaan mereka, bisa datang ke museum melihat replika," kata Dedah.
Ide pembuatan replika Peterpan, awalnya datang dari pihak Musica Studio. Bagi perusahaan rekaman ini, Peterpan adalah band yang berhasil mewarnai musik pop Indonesia, sejak 2002 lalu. Terbukti, empat album dan satu album the best Peterpan, terjual lebih dari 5 juta kopi.
Sementara itu, sang pembuat replika yang juga menjadi Ketua Jurusan Seni Murni Fakultas Seni Rupa Institut Kesenian Jakarta (IKJ), Budi L Tobing mengaku sempat kesulitan membuat patung mini personel Peterpan. Proses pembuatan replika membutuhkan waktu dua bulan. Tidak hanya sebuah patung biasa, model replika Peterpan diambil dari foto saat mereka tampil di panggung.
"Sulit sekali membuat ekspresi muka para personel Peterpan. Apalagi, mereka adalah publik figur yang memiliki banyak penggemar. Di antara enam personel awal Peterpan, ekspresi muka Ariel yang paling sulit dibentuk," tutur Budi.
Sebelum menyerahkan replika, Peterpan yang telah berubah formasi menjadi empat personel, tanpa Andika dan Indra, tampil membawakan lagu-lagu hit mereka. Peterpan, bernyanyi di depan Museum Nasional untuk para sahabat Peterpan yang ada di Jakarta dan Bandung.
Selain replika, Peterpan juga memberikan kesempatan kepada para penggemar melihat barang-barang pribadi mereka. Sebuah pameran memorabilia, digelar hanya satu hari, Rabu (3/12), untuk sahabat Peterpan. Barang-barang pribadi yang ada di pameran, yakni kostum panggung Ariel, gitar Uki, tas pinggang Ariel, dan beberapa piala penghargaan yang diraih Peterpan.
"Semua barang-barang pribadi bisa dilihat langsung oleh sahabat Peterpan. Hari ini akan menjadi kenangan tersendiri bagi Peterpan. Harapannya, nama Peterpan akan terus dikenang oleh pencinta musik Indonesia," ujar Ariel.Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Leilani Dowding Model and Celebrity
After her success in beauty pageants, Dowding dropped out of university to pursue a full-time modelling career. Although she had not originally considered topless modelling, she started appearing as a Page Three girl in The Sun newspaper in 1999. Her parents first found out about their daughter's Page 3 modeling when they opened a paper and saw a topless photo of her. Her younger sister Melanie ("Mel") Dowding had a brief career as a model during which the sisters posed topless together. Melanie is working as an promotional model in the motorsport industry.
In 2003 she was rated #89 on the FHM Sexiest Women in World list. Dowding has been a guest on various British television shows, modelling on the Big Breakfast and This Morning, and appearing on The Weakest Link, Faking It and Celebrity Wrestling and Celebrity Fear Factor. She has also enjoyed a season in pantomime as Tiger Lilly in Peter Pan. She has travelled to Bosnia, Kosovo. Iraq and Cyprus on morale-boosting trips for British troops abroad. Dowding now[when?] hosts a current affairs show on Garrison FM entitled Dowding's On!. She dated footballer Anwar Uddin in 2002.[4] She has also been engaged to former Wimbledon and Northern Ireland defender Mark Williams[5] and was engaged to Middlesbrough footballer Jérémie Aliadière. She became engaged for a third time in 2008 to millionaire Richie Palmer a former husband of Raquel Welsh.
Sinziana Buruiana Best Beauty
Friday, 17 July 2009
Shahrukh Khan
Shahrukh Khan | |
Born | 2 November 1965 (1965-11-02) (age 43) New Delhi, India |
Other name(s) | Shah Rukh Khan, King Khan, SRK, King of Bollywood, Badshah Khan |
Occupation | Actor, Producer, Television presenter |
Years active | 1988–present |
Spouse(s) | Gauri Khan (1991-present ) |
Shahrukh Khan (Hindi: शाहरुख़ ख़ान, Urdu: شاہ رخ خان) born November 2, 1965, sometimes credited as Shah Rukh Khan, is an Indian actor, who has been a prominent Bollywood figure, as well as a film producer and television host.
Khan began his career appearing in several television serials in the late 1980s. He made his film debut in Deewana (1992). Since then, he has been part of numerous commercially successful films and has earned critical acclaim for many of his performances. During his years in the Indian film industry, Khan has won thirteen Filmfare Awards, seven of which are in the Best Actor category.
While some of Khan's best-known films, Dilwale Dulhaniya Le JayengeKuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998), Chak De India (2007), Om Shanti Om (2007) and Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (2008) remain some of Bollywood's biggest hits, films like Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham (2001), Kal Ho Naa Ho (2003), Veer-Zaara (2004) andKabhi Alvida Naa Kehna(2006), have been top-grossing Indian productions in the overseas markets, making him one of the most successful actors of India. Since 2000, Khan branched out into film production and television presenting as well. He is the founder/owner of two production companies, Dreamz Unlimited and Red Chillies Entertainment. In 2008, Newsweek named him one of the 50 most powerful people in the world.[1] (1995),
Khan was born in 1965 to Muslim parents of Pathan descent in New Delhi, India.[2] His father, Taj Mohammed Khan, was an Indian freedom fighter from Peshawar, British India. According to Khan, his paternal grandfather was originally from Afghanistan.[3] His mother, Lateef Fatima, was the adopted daughter of Major General Shah Nawaz Khan of the Janjua Rajput clan, who served as a General in the Indian National Army of Subash Chandra Bose.[4] Khan's father came to New Delhi from Qissa Khawani Bazaar in Peshawar before the partition of India,[5] while his mother's family came from Rawalpindi, British India.[6] Khan has an elder sister named Shehnaz.[7]
Khan attended St. Columba's School where he was accomplished in sports, drama, and academics. He won the Sword of Honour, an annual award given to the student who best represents the spirit of the school. Khan later attended the Hansraj College (1985-1988) and earned his Economics (honors). Though he pursued a Masters Degree in Mass Communications at Jamia Millia Islamia, he later opted out to make his career in Bollywood.[8]
After the death of his parents, Khan moved to Mumbai in 1991.[9] In that same year, before any of his films were released, he married Gauri Chibber (who is a Hindu) in a traditional Hindu wedding[10] They have two children, son Aryan (b. 1997) and daughter Suhana (b. 2000). According to Khan, while he strongly believes in Allah, he also values his wife's religion. At home, his children follow both religions, with the Qur'an being situated next to the Hindu gods.[11][12] ceremony on 25 October 1991.
In 2005, Nasreen Munni Kabir produced a two-part documentary on Khan, titled The Inner and Outer World of Shah Rukh Khan. Featuring his 2004 Temptations concert tour, the film contrasted Khan's inner world of family and daily life with the outer world of his work. The book Still Reading Khan, which details his family life, was released in 2006. Another book by Anupama Chopra, "King of Bollywood: Shahrukh Khan and the seductive world of Indian cinema", was released in 2007. This book described the world of Bollywood through Khan's life.
Khan has been awarded a number of honours. He was honoured with the Padma Shri, India's fourth highest civilian award from the Government of India in 2005. In April 2007, a life-size wax statue of Khan was installed at the Madame Tussauds Wax Museum, London. Another statue was installed at the Musée Grévin in Paris, the same year.[13] During the same year, he was accorded the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (Order of the Arts and Literature) award by the French government for his “exceptional career”.[14]
In October 2008, Khan was conferred the Darjah Mulia Seri MelakaDatuk (in similar fashion to "Sir" in British knighthood), by the Yang di-Pertua Negeri Tun Mohd Khalil Yaakob, the head of state of Malacca in Malaysia. Khan was honoured for "promoting tourism in Malacca" by filming One Two Ka Four there in 2001. Some were critical of this decision.[15] He was also honoured with an honorary doctorate in arts and culture from Britain's University of Bedfordshire in 2009.[16] which carries the honorific
Film career
Khan studied acting under celebrated Theatre Director Barry John at Delhi's Theatre Action Group (TAG). In 2007, John commented thus on his former pupil that, "The credit for the phenomenally successful development and management of Shahrukh's career goes to the superstar himself."[17] Khan made his acting debut in 1988 when he appeared in the television series, Fauji, playing the role of Commando Abhimanyu Rai.[18] He went on to appear in several other television serials, most notably in the 1989 serial, Aziz Mirza's Circus, which depicted the life of circus performers.[19] The same year, Khan also had a minor role in the made-for-television English-language film, In Which Annie Gives it Those Ones, which was based on life at Delhi University and was written by Arundhati Roy.
Upon moving from New Delhi to Mumbai in 1991,[20] Khan made his Bollywood movie debut in Deewana (1992). The movie became a box office hit, and launched his career in Bollywood.[21] His performance won him a Filmfare Best Male Debut Award. His second movie, Maya Memsaab, generated some controversy because of his appearance in an "explicit" sex scene in the movie.[22]
In 1993, Khan won acclaim for his performances in villainous roles as an obsessive lover and a murderer, respectively, in the box office hits, Darr and Baazigar.[23] Darr marked his first collaboration with renowned film-maker Yash Chopra and his banner Yash Raj Films, the largest production company in Bollywood. Baazigar, which saw Khan portraying an ambiguous avenger who murders his girlfriend, shocked its Indian audience with an unexpected violation of the standard Bollywood formula.[24] His performance won him his first Filmfare Best Actor Award. In that same year, Khan played the role of a young musician in Kundan Shah's Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa, a performance that earned him a Filmfare Critics Award for Best Performance. Khan maintains that this is his all-time favourite among the movies he has acted in.[25] In 1994, Khan once again played an obsessive lover/psycho's role in Anjaam, co-starring alongside Madhuri Dixit. Though the movie was not a box office success, Khan's performance earned him the Filmfare Best Villain Award.[26]
In 1995, Khan starred in Aditya Chopra's directorial debut Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, a major critical and commercial success, for which he won his second Filmfare Best Actor Award.[27] In 2007, the film entered its twelfth year in Mumbai theaters. By then the movie had grossed over 12 billion rupees, making it as one of India's biggest movie blockbusters.[28] Earlier in the same year he found success in Rakesh Roshan's Karan Arjun which became the second biggest hit of the year.
1996 was a disappointing year for Khan as all his movies released that year failed to do well at the box office.[29] This was, however, followed by a comeback in 1997. He saw success with Subhash Ghai's social drama Pardes -- one of the biggest hits of the year-- and Aziz Mirza's comedy Yes Boss, a moderately successful feature.[30] His second project with Yash Chopra as a director, Dil to Pagal Hai became that year's second highest-grossing movie, and he won his third Filmfare Best Actor Award for his role as a stage director who falls in love with one of his new actresses.[30]
In 1998, Khan starred in Karan Johar's directoial debut, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, which was the biggest hit of the year.[31] His performance won him his fourth Best Actor award at the Filmfare. He won critical praise for his performance in Mani Ratnam's Dil Se. The movie did not do well at the Indian box office, though it was a commercial success overseas.[32] Khan's only release in 1999, Baadshah, was an average grosser.[33]
Khan's success continued with Aditya Chopra's 2000 film, Mohabbatein, co-starring Amitabh Bachchan. It did well at the box office, and Khan's performance as a college teacher won him his second Critics Award for Best Performance. He also starred in Mansoor Khan's action film Josh. The film starred Khan as the leader of a Christian gang in Goa and Aishwarya Rai as his twin sister, and was also a box office success.[34] In that same year, Khan set up his own production house, Dreamz Unlimited with Juhi Chawla (see below). Both Khan and Chawla starred in the first movie of their production house, Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani.[34] His work with Karan Johar continued as he collaborated on the family drama Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham which was the second biggest hit of the year. He also received favorable reviews for his performance as Emperor AsokaAsoka, a partly fictionalised account of the life of Ashoka the Great (304 BC–232 BC).[35] in the historical epic,
In 2002, Khan received acclaim for playing the title role in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's award-winning period romance, Devdas. It was the third Hindi movie adaptation of Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay's well-known novel of the same name, and surfaced as one of the biggest hits of that year.[36] Khan also starred opposite Salman Khan and Madhuri Dixit in the family-drama Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam, which did well at the box office.[36] In 2003, Khan starred in the moderately successful romantic drama, Chalte Chalte.[37] That same year, he starred in the tearjerker, Kal Ho Naa Ho, written by Karan Johar and directed by Nikhil Advani. Khan's performance in this movie as a man with a fatal heart disease was appreciated. The movie proved to be one of the year's biggest hits in India and Bollywood's biggest hit in the overseas markets.[37]
2004 was a particularly good year for Khan, both commercially and critically. He starred in Farah Khan's directorial debut, the comedy Main Hoon Na. The movie did well at the box office. He then played the role of an Indian officer, Veer Pratap Singh in Yash Chopra's love saga Veer-Zaara, which was the biggest hit of 2004 in both India and overseas.[38] The film relates the love story of Veer and Pakistani woman Zaara Haayat Khan, played by Preity Zinta. Khan's performance in the film won him awards at several award ceremonies. In that same year, he received critical acclaim for his performance in Ashutosh Gowariker's drama Swades. He was nominated for the Filmfare Best Actor Award for all three of his releases in 2004, winning it for Swades.[38]
In 2006, Khan collaborated with Karan Johar for the fourth time with the melodrama movie Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna. It did well in India and much more so in the overseas market, becoming the biggest Bollywood hit in the overseas market of all-time.[39] His second release that year saw him playing the title role in the action film Don, a remake of the 1978 hit Don. The movie was a success.[39]
Khan's success continued with a few more highly popular films. One of his most successful works was the multiple award-winning 2007 film, Chak De India, about the Indian women's national hockey team. Earning over Rs 639 million, Chak De India became the third highest grossing movie of 2007 in India and won yet another Filmfare Best Actor Award for Khan.[40] The film was a major critical success.[41]Farah Khan's 2007 film, Om Shanti Om. The film emerged as the year's highest grossing film in India and the overseas market, and became India's highest grossing production ever up to that point.[40] It earned him another nomination for Best Actor at the Filmfare ceremony. Khan's more recent films include the 2008 release, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi which was a huge box office success, and Billu. In the same year Khan also starred in
As of 2009, Khan is filming My Name Is Khan, due for a November 2009 release.[42] While on one shoot in Los Angeles, along with his wife Gauri and director Karan Johar, he took a break from filming to attend the 66th Golden Globe Awards, held in Los Angeles, California, on 11 January 2009.[43][44] Khan introduced Slumdog Millionaire along with a star from the film, Freida Pinto.[45][46]
Khan turned producer when he set up a production company called Dreamz Unlimited with Juhi Chawla and director Aziz Mirza in 1999. The first two of the films he produced and starred in: Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani (2000) and Asoka (2001) were box office failures.[35]Chalte Chalte[37] However, his third film as a producer and star, (2003), proved a box office hit.
In 2004, Khan set up another production company, Red Chillies Entertainment, and produced and starred in Main Hoon Na, another hit.[38] The following year, he produced and starred in the fantasy film Paheli, which did poorly.[47] It was, however, India's official entry to the Academy Awards for consideration for Best Foreign Language Film, but it did not pass the final selection. Also in 2005, Khan co-produced the supernatural horror film Kaal with Karan Johar, and performed an item number for the film with Malaika Arora Khan. Kaal was moderately successful at the box office.[47] His company has gone on to produce Om Shanti Om (2007), in which he starred, and Billu (2009), in which he played a supporting role as a Bollywood superstar.
Apart from film production, the company also has a visual effects studio known as Red Chillies VFX. It has also ventured into television content production, with shows like, 'The First Ladies', 'Ghar Ki Baat Hai', and 'Knights and Angels'. Television advertisements are also produced by the company.[48]
In 2008, Red Chillies Entertainment became the owner of the Kolkata Knight Riders in the BCCI-backed IPL cricket competition.
Television host
In 2007, Khan replaced Amitabh Bachchan as the host of the third series of the popular game show Kaun Banega Crorepati, the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?.[49] The previous had hosted the show for five years from 2000-05. On 22 January 2007, Kaun Banega Crorepati aired with Khan as the new host and later ended on 19 April 2007.[50]
On 25 April 2008, Khan began hosting the game show Kya Aap Paanchvi Pass Se Tez Hain?, the Indian version of Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?, whose last episode was telecasted on 27 July 2008, with Lalu Prasad Yadav as the special guest.
Awards and nominations
Year | Title | Role | Notes |
1992 | Deewana | Raja Sahai | Winner, Filmfare Best Male Debut Award |
Idiot | Pawan Raghujan | ||
Chamatkar | Sunder Srivastava | ||
Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman | Raju (Raj Mathur) | ||
Dil Aashna Hai | Karan | ||
1993 | Maya Memsaab | Lalit Kumar | |
King Uncle | Anil Bhansal | ||
Baazigar | Ajay Sharma/Vicky Malhotra | Winner, Filmfare Best Actor Award | |
Darr | Rahul Mehra | Nominated, Filmfare Best Villain Award | |
Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa | Sunil | Winner, Filmfare Critics Award for Best Performance Nominated, Filmfare Best Actor Award | |
1994 | Anjaam | Vijay Agnihotri | Winner, Filmfare Best Villain Award |
1995 | Karan Arjun | Arjun Singh/Vijay | |
Zamana Deewana | Rahul Malhotra | ||
Guddu | Guddu Bahadur | ||
Oh Darling! Yeh Hai India | Hero | ||
Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge | Raj Malhotra | Winner, Filmfare Best Actor Award | |
Ram Jaane | Ram Jaane | ||
Trimurti | Romi Singh | ||
1996 | English Babu Desi Mem | Vikram/Hari/Gopal Mayur | |
Chaahat | Roop Rathore | ||
Army | Arjun | Special appearance | |
Dushman Duniya Ka | Badru | ||
1997 | Gudgudee | Special appearance | |
Koyla | Shankar | ||
Yes Boss | Rahul Joshi | Nominated, Filmfare Best Actor Award | |
Pardes | Arjun Saagar | ||
Dil To Pagal Hai | Rahul | Winner, Filmfare Best Actor Award | |
1998 | Duplicate | Bablu Chaudhry/Manu Dada | Nominated, Filmfare Best Villain Award |
Achanak | Himself | Special appearance | |
Dil Se | Amarkant Varma | ||
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai | Rahul Khanna | Winner, Filmfare Best Actor Award | |
1999 | Baadshah | Raj Heera/Baadshah | Nominated, Filmfare Best Comedian Award |
2000 | Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani | Ajay Bakshi | |
Hey Ram | Amjad Ali Khan | ||
Josh | Max | ||
Har Dil Jo Pyar Karega | Rahul | Special appearance | |
Mohabbatein | Raj Aryan Malhotra | Winner, Filmfare Critics Award for Best Performance Nominated, Filmfare Best Actor Award | |
Gaja Gamini | Himself | Special appearance | |
2001 | One 2 Ka 4 | Arun Verma | |
Asoka | Asoka | ||
Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham | Rahul Raichand | Nominated, Filmfare Best Actor Award | |
2002 | Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam | Gopal | |
Devdas | Devdas Mukherjee | Winner, Filmfare Best Actor Award India's official entry to the Oscars | |
Shakti: The Power | Jaisingh | Special appearance | |
Saathiya | Yeshwant Rao | Cameo | |
2003 | Chalte Chalte | Raj Mathur | |
Kal Ho Naa Ho | Aman Mathur | Nominated, Filmfare Best Actor Award | |
2004 | Yeh Lamhe Judaai Ke | Dushant | |
Main Hoon Na | Maj. Ram Prasad Sharma | Nominated, Filmfare Best Actor Award | |
Veer-Zaara | Veer Pratap Singh | Nominated, Filmfare Best Actor Award | |
Swades | Mohan Bhargava | Winner, Filmfare Best Actor Award Dubbed into Tamil as Desam | |
2005 | Kuch Meetha Ho Jaaye | Himself | Special appearance |
Kaal | Special appearance in song Kaal Dhamaal | ||
Silsiilay | Sutradhar | Special appearance in song Jab Jab Dil Mile | |
Paheli | Kishenlal/The Ghost | India's official entry to the Oscars | |
The Inner and Outer World of Shah Rukh Khan | Himself (Biopic) | Documentary directed by British-based author and director Nasreen Munni Kabir | |
2006 | Alag | Special appearance in song Sabse Alag | |
Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna | Dev Saran | Nominated, Filmfare Best Actor Award | |
Don - The Chase Begins Again | Vijay/Don | Nominated, Filmfare Best Actor Award Nominated, Asian Film Award for Best Actor | |
I See You | Special appearance in song Subah Subah | ||
2007 | Chak De India | Kabir Khan | Winner, Filmfare Best Actor Award |
Heyy Babyy | Raj Malhotra | Special appearance in song Mast Kalandar | |
Om Shanti Om | Om Prakash Makhija/Om Kapoor | Nominated, Filmfare Best Actor Award | |
2008 | Krazzy 4 | Special appearance in song Break Free | |
Bhoothnath | Aditya Sharma | Special appearance | |
Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi | Surinder Sahni/Raj | Nominated, Filmfare Best Actor Award | |
2009 | Luck by Chance | Himself | Special appearance |
Billu | Sahir Khan | ||
Dulha Mil Gaya | Post-production[51] | ||
2010 | My Name Is Khan | Rizwan Khan | Filming |
Koochie Koochie Hota Hain | Rocky | Filming |
- Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani (2000)
- Asoka (2001)
- Chalte Chalte (2003)
- Main Hoon Na (2004)
- Kaal (2005)
- Paheli (2005)
- Om Shanti Om (2007)
- Billu (2009)
Playback singer
- Main to hoon Pagal - Baadshah (1999)
- Apun Bola - Josh (2000)
- Khaike Paan Banaraswala - Don - The Chase Begins Again (2006)
- Ek Hockey Doongi Rakhke - Chak De India (2007)
- Sattar Minute - Chak De India (2007)
Stunts Director
- Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998)
- Main Hoon Na (2004)
- Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna (2006)
- Chak De India (2007)
- Om Shanti Om (2007)
Television appearances
- Dil Dariya (1988)
- Fauji (1988) ... Abhimanyu Rai
- Doosra Keval (1989)
- Circus (1989)
- In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones (1989)
- Idiot (1991) ... Pawan Raghujan
- Kareena Kareena (2004) ... Special appearance
- Rendezvous with Simi Garewal.....Guest
- Koffee with Karan (2004-2007) ... Guest (3 episodes)
- Kaun Banega Crorepati (2007) ... Host
- Jjhoom India (2007) ... Guest
- Nach Baliye (2008) .... Guest
- Kya Aap Paanchvi Pass Se Tez Hain? (2008) .... Host